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Friday, January 20, 2012

GAMINGthe game book review

All gamblers wonder who,and how much are the "WHales" wagering to move a spread, and to get that answer pick up your copy of gaming the game by sean patrick Griffin  this book tells the story of Jimmy"BABA" battista,and his "animal" crew, and how they took advantage of information they recieved,and became one of the sharpest crews in the sports wagering profession  The "animal" crew took something that most people turn ther nose up @, and treated it like a real business they went as far as making a business plan,and getting an office to work9-5 MON-FRI.  they used information they obtained like who TIM DONAGHEY was wagering on in games he was reffing to become one of the sharpest most feared crews the

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

1/1/12 ncaabb play

today we will open the new year with MICH-6(-110)